:Mirakle-Weihua-Lokahi: King
KA’MUniversity all started in 2003, when…
Mirakle returned to Los Angeles, CA from his second global spirit walk (13 countries), looked around at his perfect (do yoga, eat, work, buy, consume, meditate, sleep, repeat) seductive matrix life-style, stateside and simply asked the soul burning question, “Is this it?”
This cannot be it. There must be something more to my divine purpose for this life.
He went on a life transforming, vision quest in the Eagle Mountains outside Joshua Tree Desert in Southern California. In this shamanic dry-fasting rebirth experience, he received a super inspiring, purpose-filled, parallel reality vision for the future of humanity and his specific visioneer role for KA’MUniversity.
Now In 2024, everyone is asking this very same question more than ever before.
:Mirakle-Weihua-Lokahi: Kings’ Biography
Over 27 years ago in 1997, Mirakle awakened to the enlightened heart sovereign path when he returned from a “Near Death Experience (NDE), eternal life review” pacific ocean drowning experience. The divine message received was simple, ” Serve Planet Earth by assisting Humanity to Consciously Shift into their Fullest Potential. ”
Since that original NDE moment, he has journeyed & studied with various masters (seen & unseen) in over 50 countries and facilitated individual & group life-transforming events in 13 countries with his global ministry, DivineJoy.org (now dissolved after 15 yrs.). You can learn more about Mirakle’s miraculous SR/SH story in his “OFFICIAL: BECOMING MIRAKLE” video transmission by clicking on the youtube link below.
MiraKle King is a new paradigm, mystic-visioneer and omni-centralised thought leader.
For the past two & half decades, he has been encouraging self-governing, sovereign collective systems to come into existence. He has travelled to many continents around the world to be inspired by & to co-create global alliances with Damanhur, Rednoya, Lyceum and Findhorn to name just a few established eco-resilient communities.
He has inspired, counseled and aligned with those who started & funded the entire tech “world wide web” internet revolution in the early 80’s in Silicon Valley. He has worked intimately with billionaire ‘family office’ investors, high net wealth entrepreneurs as well as other successful visionary eco-community founders like Mikhael Petrovitch of the Lyceum School Foundation, Eileen Caddy of Findhorn Foundation and Falco Airaudi of Federation of Damanhur.
Mirakle has studied and befriended in-depth with globally reknown change-making teachers, authors and mentors such as Venerable Chohje Rinpoche (Dzogchen Vayrana Tibetan Buddhism), Dan Winter (Applied Unified Field Physics), Dr. Joe Dispenza (Science of Epigenetics), Kahu Kahuna Poni (7th gen Genealogy Kahuna, Kaua’i), Shri Yogi Hari (Sampoorna Hatha Yoga), Jim Pelkey (VC and original internet web backer), Jill Purce (overtone and sound master), Ray Ishna (Passion of Life Breathwork), Leslie Sloane (Auracle Colour Therapy Master) and many more.
In 2005, He was invited by IONS President James O’Dea to be part of a visionary ‘next-gen X’ leadership council at IONS Novato, CA (founded by Astronaut Edgar Mitchell) to inspire deep inter-generational shifts with the Baby Boomer Generation to make fundamental changes to move beyond, “Hospicing a dying consumer based technocratic culture and transition completely into mid-wifing a new eco-resilient unified earth.”
In late 2007, He was the first Asian-American to be invited to meet the author of the internationally acclaimed Anastasia/Ringing Cedar Series books, Vladimir Megre & his core community in Russia. After this well documented meeting & interview by Russia Today TV, He and his cinematography crew took a hand held HD camera and filmed over 44 hours of footage in 8 weeks touring Russia from Anastasia Inspired Eco-villages, Ancient Dolmens, Native Indigenous Siberian Tribes, Sacred Sites and eventually spending a week at the Lyceum Children School near the Russian Black Sea. They eventually released a documentary film about their experiences in Russia in 2009 entitled, ‘New Earth Destiny’.
After a year sabbatical. Spirit Journeying, around the world again. Mirakle and the Kamuniversity Institute core team are now cultivating the Coherent Living Model (CLM) & co-activating the ‘Unified Earth Timeline’, with an educational, omni-centralised, scaleable project entitled, “KA’MUniversity Institute”.
The project’s main mission is to develop congruent self-organising systems to be implemented that allow for an optimal wholistic unified curriculum. The CLM is specifically meant to support multiple future Human Generations to thrive in universal harmony with the natural world & move beyond sustainability.
Mirakle is the visioneer founder of the KA’MUniversity Institute. He is also a Sacred Sound Medicine Musician, BreathLight.net Director, Self-Care Mastery Counselor, MU Starz Jewelry Designer and New Earth Destiny Doc. Film Maker. Since the inception of his previous DivineJoy.org Global Ministry in 2003, He has led and co-facilitated life-affirming events all over America and the islands of Hawai’i. He has led certification trainings, seminars, symposiums, ceremonies & intensive retreats internationally in Canada, Costa Rica, Italy, Switzerland, New Zealand, Russia, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Bali, Japan, Hong Kong, & Singapore.
Mirakle has a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Design (UC DAVIS), is a Certified Sampoorna Hatha Yoga Master and Ecstatic Dance Music DJ known as MuRa Kin.
He also enjoys playing music, contact movement, permaculture gardening, cooking, surfing, snowboarding, hiking, ultimate frisbee, football (soccer) and loves the great earth outdoors. .